I absolutely LOVE to cook. I have create a lot of dishes and experiment with different recipes and I have been posting my favorite ones, as well as my personal recipes on a blog to keep track and to show others what I have been making.

If you try one of my recipes I would love to hear your comments or how you did it differently or what you honestly think. :)
-Alyssa Groff

Lemon-Lavendar cookies

Caution:These cookies are for healthier appetites and those who don't need their cookies made out of tons of butter and sugar. Haha.
I hadn't heard of cookies like these before and thought it would be interesting to try them and I like using lavender sometimes in cooking. I liked them a lot. But one of my dad's friends said they were too healthy tasting haha. So I am just being honest to you guys. Just don't put too much lavender in your batch. A teaspoon seems small but it is just enough. Trust me.

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