I absolutely LOVE to cook. I have create a lot of dishes and experiment with different recipes and I have been posting my favorite ones, as well as my personal recipes on a blog to keep track and to show others what I have been making.

If you try one of my recipes I would love to hear your comments or how you did it differently or what you honestly think. :)
-Alyssa Groff

My Guacamole Dip

In my opinion, the best guacamole is FRESH guacamole with as many ingredients from the garden as possible.

3 avocados
Red onion, chopped (about 1/4 c.)
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 bunch cilantro leaves, chopped
1 jalapeno, finely chopped (or to taste)
1 large ripe garden tomato (or 2 smaller tomatoes), diced
juice of 1 lime
4-5 shakes green Tabasco sauce
Kosher salt, to taste
Fresh cracked pepper, to taste

Pit avocados and mash in a bowl. If you like your guac kind of chunky (that's how we like it), coarsely chop with the side of a fork instead of using the fork to mash it straight down. Carefully stir in remaining ingredients until well mixed.

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